MeRo Notes

illustration generate from openpeeps of mero

May be time for an update

It has been a little too long since my last update. I had many things to say, I even kept note of a lot of them, but the motivation to post something kept fading. Why is that? A little bit of healthy self-sabotage.

I got fixated on sorting out a workflow for images, modules for 'overheard' and 'on repeat' content, and some css work. I convinced myself if I didn't do those things, there was no point in posting. Now, we all know each of those things take time right? I found it hard to break open my personal laptop and code on personal projects after work, so time slowly slipped away.

On reflection, I thought it was important to recognise this pattern in a way I hadn't before: write about it.

So, if you like me have ever stopped yourself from progressing a little bit (e.g. posting some words to mark the passing of a week-ish) because you couldn't have everything perfect (e.g. all the modules, image handling and css sorted), I'm with you friend. I'm going to try to stop doing that, it makes everything feel so much worse. Measuring your worth by how much you think you should be able to deliver, however unatainable that is in the time you have, isn't the one. You're great. Yes, you.

So, onward, let me tell you what's been going on.

Overheard this week:

I don't have a quotable overheard this time around, but in my notes for week notes (woah), I've written down: "Why is that man making such loud mouth noises".

On repeat

Sometimes by James

Sometimes covers all manner of things.